Monday, November 3, 2014

If you look real close you can see her standing there.

Last week!

Dear Family, 
I really don't know where to start. I really don't know if there is a start to tell. In Alma 26:12, 16 Ammon exclaims that he is weak, but His God gives him strength, and then says at the end that he cannot say even the smallest part of what he feels. I feel like Ammon today.  After 18 months of serving in France, I am overwhelmed with facing the reality of it all ending. I can't express to you the things I am feeling for these people, or for the things I have learned here, but I would like to end with my testimony. 
I know God lives. I know He is our Heavenly Father and we are His children. I know that He loves us. I have felt His love for every single person I have met here. It's a love that is so special and so different than anything you can imagine, it's really a beautiful thing. Since being here I have learned how important and necessary it is to rely on our Father in Heaven. He is the only One that is there when no one else is. He is the only one that can console the down trodden and the broken hearted. I have seen so many people in desperate situations. People that have nothing compared to the worlds standards, but they have a faith and they recognize and understand their value and worth as children of God. I know God loves every one of us. He is our Father. And He wants nothing but our happiness. 
I know Jesus is the Christ. He is the only begotten of the Father that could atone and suffer for our sins, pains, sorrows, disappointments, everything. And I know that we can be made whole through Him, but we must act. We must seek. He has already paid the price, we need to go out and better ourselves through His atonement. I know change is real when the atonement is applied. I have seen people change and become better, and I have seen people who aren't yet willing to change, to sacrifice. But I know, with every piece of my heart, that if you change, you will find real happiness, real peace, real joy. And all the bad will be erased. Christ knows you. He knows each one of us personally, and He is there to take away our weakness and all the injustice that come at us. I have personally felt the power of the Atonement in my life. It is real and it is there. I know it. 
I know that this is the restored church of Jesus Christ. I know it. I know Joseph Smith was called as a prophet and that because of His faith and sacrifice, we have the same church that Jesus Christ established when He was on the earth. I know this is His church. There is no other church that has the fullness of the Gospel. I know we are led by a prophet today. I know the prophets and apostles we have today are inspired men of God. I know it. And I know that if we follow them and heed their counsel, we will be blessed.
I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know it is the word of God. I know that in it are the words of eternal life, and that it contains the truthfulness of the gospel. I have read that book over and over and I know it is true. I have asked if it is true to the most reliable source, my Heavenly Father, and by the Holy Spirit I know it is true. There is nothing that could persuade me otherwise. It is true. 
The people here are special. They are known for being "hard" but they are kind and gentle. They have hearts full of love. I will never forget them. They will forever be engraven on my heart. 

I can't stop the tears from coming, I am so sad to leave this phase of my life. It is so much harder than expected, but I also know that I have work to do at home. Just know without any doubt that I know this is God's church, Christ is the Savior of the World. I know He lives, and because He lives, we will live again. He changes us. "Et maintenant, voici, je vous le dis, mes frères, si vous avez un changement de coeur, et si vous avez ressenti le désir de chanter le cantique de l'amour rédempteur, je vous le demande: pouvez vous le ressentir maintenant?" Alma 5:26 I love you all. I love my Savior, and I love my Heavenly Father. I know the gospel is true. 
Love, Soeur Roberts

Soeur Roberts and Hodder

Monday, October 27, 2014

Week #10 Ecully

Dear Family,
This week was another great one! Really great :)
Roberto is fine. Armand is great, and the Sima's are fantastic!
Armand is on track for his baptism. We taught him this week about tithing and fasting, which he readily accepted. Then about faith, which was an awesome lesson. A long time ago, he thought that our church didn't believe in miracles (so false) so we discussed and read some verses in Ether 12, specifically vs 4 and 6 and 18. He loved it, and he shared with us some experiences of miracles that he has seen in his life. It was really cool, because Armand is not super open about spiritual things, but he shared some special things to us. he's really great, it has been such a blessing to see him change over the time I've been here.
The Sima family had us over for a FHE and it was wonderful. We talked about faith too, but in Alma 32. Adrien and Chantal had read the chapter and when we were talking about the plant analogy, he explained it perfectly to us. We had a couple come with us too from the ward and they got along so well! it was so fun. And Chantal wants to show us how to wrap our hair up in an African cloth. So cool. At the  end we gave them a little plant that will be their Plant of Faith :) they were so excited. After they fed us African cuisine, always my favorite :) This time it was not spicy. Probably the least spicy African food I've eaten here! ha ha and they came to stake conference and loved it. It was so great to see them :) Chantal loves us :) They will be baptized, as soon as they are married!
This week we had about 15 lessons that fell through, so that was a bummer, but we sang hymns and kept moving forward :) It's OK, it's just the things that will make us tougher, right? And we were still able to find people to teach. :) blessings still come through disappointments :)
We went on an exchange with two African sisters from northern France serving together in Grenoble. They are so great! French in the house, African beignets and just pure fun :) It was fun, I love the sisters that Iwork with! :)
Sunday we had Stake Conference! It was great. We had five amis come and they all really enjoyed it :) And the Stake President at the end did this really clever thing that I loved that will help our members with missionary work and temple work. Our Bishop and Stake President are so good at focusing on missionary work. It's so fun :)
Anyway, that's all for the week :) it was a good one :) full of the spirit :) I love you all SO much! The gospel is true and living and I love it so much. I love you!
Soeur Roberts

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week #9 Ecully


So this week was filled with great miracles! Why? Because God is a God of Miracles. 

Armand, par contre, is doing wonderfully. He chose a new date for baptism all by himself from the inspiration he received. So it'll be in November if he keeps persevering :) He is almost stopped smoking, and he is reading daily and loving it and coming to church every Sunday. He is making his own efforts. I love Armand. He is feeling the spirit more and more. 

Miracles! So we contacted a family, the Sima's and they are wonderful. Mom, Chantale, Dad, Adrien, Kids, Maeva, Maelys, and Mael. They have a Book of Mormon and love it and they came to church on Sunday and loved it. We have a FHE planned for Friday with them and a couple in our ward, they are so excited, as are we of course! It's so wonderful. And they are so excited and happy and prepared to receive the fullness of the gospel. 

We also met this guy fishing and he invited us over, which led to meeting his wife and two kids. He is classic french, super funny. Paul, Nadia, Emily and Mark. We had a lesson with them on faith last nigh, then played a game, like FHE and it was wonderful. It may take a bit for them to be ready to change, but i Know that the Lord can prepare anyone He puts in our path. 

Our Nigerian amis are getting a bit distant. It's OK! We still love them. I think most of them are trying to get legal here so we'll give them some time :) 

That's about it. I love this work. We found two families this week who Heavenly Father put in our paths. I'm so grateful for this gospel, especially what it does for the family. Because of the restoration, we know we can be together forever. I know it's true. I love you all so much! 

Love, Soeur Roberts 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week # 8 Ecully

Dear Family,

This week was a busy one! We had our first exchange of the transfer and a leadership meeting and zone training! And we were able to reach our goal for lessons! It's starting to cool down, and rain. Reminds me of Bordeaux! I love it. Well not really the rain. I only like the rain when I can look at it through a window, not when I'm in it all day with wet feet, but at least my feet get moisturized :) 

We have a group of Nigerians that we work with: Anita, Collins and Blessing, Thelma, Kessman, Juliette, Faith and her family. So we have decided to do a Nigerian Soirée. We asked a member Patience to help us and I'm super stoked. I love Africa. The food is heavenly and will clear your sinuses in literally seconds, give or take a few.We're starting to plan it hopefully for the last or second to last week of the transfer. I'm so excited. 

So Blessing has been sick and Collins has been really struggling. He is feeling quite stressed and losing faith because his life is just not orderly at all. He doesn't have a home or a job and he isn't even legal here. He told us that he just feels down. He asked us why God gives trials, just because I know he is feeling pretty desperate. It was heart breaking. I know he loves the gospel, he knows it is true. He has read all the way up to Helaman in the Book of Mormon and he told us he sleeps with it at night. We pray that he will find some stability soon. Anita is also waiting for papers. She has been very proactive about it. And once she gets them (we pray they will go through!) she can be baptized :) I love her. She cooked for us yesterday after our fast. She is purposely trying to kill us with spiciness because she thinks it's funny how weak we are. I prevailed. Kessman is an old ami that just needed to get married. Well they are married! So we are going to start teaching him again. He has faith like no other.I tell you, Nigerians have faith. Like a lot. 

Roberto is fine. He has good intentions, he just doesn't want it bad enough. He wants to feel the spirit, and he has, he just doesn't know  how to recognize it. His simplicity in questions is progressing. I hope he can just overcome his natural man, but we all need to do that so I will have patience with him. Armand is doing fine as well. He is the type that says "I don't need to pray to know if Joseph is a prophet. I believe that it's possible so that's good enough." NO! You HAVE to pray. He just doesn't get it yet. But they are both coming to church and reading and trying so I'm proud of them. Baptiste is great too. I love teaching him because he always has the spirit, he just is not yet ready to act on it. He will be one, that I know, but not right now. It's not exactly a priority in his life. 

If there is one thing I have learned this week it is where is God in my life? Where do I place Him and His gospel in my life? I think I realize more and more everyday how if we just put God first, in everything, and everything is everything, then we will really find all the happiness possible. I know it brings true happiness and blessings. The most happiness and the most blessings. Have faith. Have hope and never doubt that all is there to make us grow. We do not know more than God. Let's remember that He is greater and knows more, so therefore it would do us great good to listen and do :) I love the Savior and my Heavenly Father. 

Fun adventures: A woman ran away from me in the rain after I asked her if she was cold... One man started talking to Satan during a lesson and I was afraid we were being cursed and therefore going to die... That's it. 

The gospel is true. Jesus Christ lives and He is the Savior. God is our Father. The church has been restored by a prophet and they still lead His church today. I know it is true. I love you all :)

Love, Soeur Roberts

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ecully Week #7

Dear Family, 

Great week in écully. I love this ward, the area, my companion, the investigators. It's just so wonderful here. 

Roberto had his first spiritual experience. He prayed and received a confirmation of truth. He came to conference and received more answers, and read the Book of Mormon and got even more. He is starting to feel the spirit a lot more now. He still focuses a lot on questions that don't necessarily help him get to the celestial kingdom. I had to be a bit firm with him last night and we gave him a commitment to study faith and repentance, only those two things for this week. He said he already knows that, but I promised him if he focused on the simple truths of the gospel, he would have a deeper understanding of the gospel and answers will come. He liked that so I hope he can continue to progress in the light of simplicity. I was so happy with him this week. We had a lesson on the Savior and His light, to which we all testified of His divinity and power to help us and stay with us. The spirit filled the room. I hope he holds on to those feelings He really is starting to understand the gospel better. :) 

Armand  went to conference and really loved the priesthood session. He will get there :) don't know when, but he will. 

We taught a woman named Elizabeth. I learned the negativity does not give you happiness. She talked to us for about an hour straight about all the horrible things in the world and whenever we would testify of the saving and healing power of the Atonement, she kind of started to close her ears. It's OK . I am just sad that she has such a hard time seeing that there are in fact good things in the world... We can always find good. Always. We are still teaching Blessing and Collins. Collins loved conference. Then we now have Anita from Nigeria. They are such a faithful people, but it's hard for them to be baptized until they can be legal here. We'll continue teaching them until they can take that important step. 

That's it. The rest of my time, mostly weekend was filled with the spirit by listening to conference. I loved it. I know these speakers were inspired. I know Thomas S Monson is a prophet of God called to guide the Church of Jesus Christ. I know we can find answers to questions when we study the sources of truth and light. I know that if we take responsibility for our spiritual and physical well being, as well as study the scriptures daily, pray all the time, repent, be obedient, and accept that life can be hard, but with the Savior we can find relief and have peace in our hearts. I am a witness that this Church is true. I know it is Christ's church and I will do everything in my power to respond to the call to Follow Him. I love you all so much. I know Heavenly Father loves you. 

Soeur Roberts